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Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!
We’re glad you are planning to visit. We do not look or act alike and we each come with questions, burdens, and joys. We are a place where Christian people with a diverse range of viewpoints are united in Christ. Every Sunday we worship as one. We pray you’ll experience God’s presence and foster your faith by coming to FPC. Join us online or in person to experience what God is doing in our midst.

What time are your services?
Our contemporary service, CrossRoads, is at 9 AM in fellowship hall. The more traditional service is in the sanctuary at 10:30 AM. In between services there is informal fellowship in the gathering space—featuring FPC’s famous cookies.
What can I expect on my first visit?
On Sunday mornings you can expect to meet people striving to live out two of our church values -- joyful worship and gracious invitation. We are large enough to offer a variety of worship, study, and social opportunities, but not too large to find friendly faces and make connections.
We are thankful to be located on this beautiful Island! You will find people dressed in both casual and formal clothes. The culture of FPC is as varied as its members. We are an intergenerational group, which is something we value.
At either service you will be greeted by a friendly usher who will show you where to go. Welcome Center volunteers can answer any questions you may have. At our traditional service you will be given a bulletin (a road map for the service) so you can participate as you feel led. At our contemporary service, we project words and song lyrics on screens, and our worship leaders guide you through the service. Prior to the beginning of the service, you will find people chatting and catching up with one another. Worship services consist of music, prayer, scripture reading, and preaching and typically last one hour.
There are Sunday School classes for adults and children at various times on Sunday morning. For families with little ones, the FPC Nursery is available during both services, beginning at 8:45 until 11:30. Youth group meets on Sunday evening at 5:00.
Where should I park?
FPC’s parking lots are spacious. You can enter the church at two locations on William Hilton Parkway: at the light on the north end of the church or at the Bargain Box sign at the south end. There is a covered overhang at the south entrance where you can drop off or pick up during inclement weather.
Is the church handicap accessible?
There are many handicap spaces near several entrances to the church.
Is childcare provided during worship?
Children are welcome to sit with their parents in worship or to use the Family Worship Center, a space in both fellowship hall and the sanctuary that helps engage children in worship. It has a bookcase of supplies, a learning table, and a staff member guide. The FPC Nursery is available during both services, beginning at 8:45 until 11:30.

Does FPC belong to a larger group?

Yes. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a 2.1-million-member denomination.
What's a Presbyterian?
Our tradition emphasizes both the Holy Scriptures as the only rule of faith and conduct, and that Christ is present with the church in both Spirit and Word. The great strength of Presbyterianism is its uncanny knack of fostering a fellowship in which people of different viewpoints continue to dialogue. Presbyterians have always stressed the importance of scholarship as a means to responsible interpretation and application of the Word of God. The congregation elects its leaders, who along with the pastors, guide the church in its mission, vision and decisions.
May I be active and involved if I am not Presbyterian?
Absolutely! You do not have to be a Presbyterian or a member of the church to participate in FPC ministries and programs. Many of our members attended churches from other denominations before moving to Hilton Head Island yet have found a comfortable home at FPC.
How do I join FPC HHI?
If you're interested in becoming a part of our church family, or in learning more about us, we offer informational classes one Sunday each month. You will learn about the meaning of membership and get to know our pastors and other church leaders. After completing the class, you can choose to join and be accepted into membership by the Session, the leadership body of the church, and you will be introduced to the congregation during a worship service.