"…Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
- Ephesians 5:18-20 -

Music at FPC
First Presbyterian Church has been blessed by a long and glorious tradition of music, with opportunities for people of all ages, interests, and abilities. Whether you’re an accomplished musician or are simply interested in “exploring” your gifts, we invite you to consider joining us. With questions about FPC’s musical offerings, contact Director of Music & Organist Chad Martin by calling him at the church, 843.681.3696.

Sanctuary Choir
Adults are welcome to participate in this choir which sings at the 10:30 AM worship service each Sunday and presents two major concerts each year. Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7 PM.

CrossRoads Worship Team
This group of talented musicians provides leadership for the contemporary worship service at 9 AM each Sunday.

Carillon Handbell Choir
This group is open to high school students and adults. They participate in worship on a regular basis. The ability to read music is required.

Children's Choir
Thursdays during FPC Kids (a weekly after-school program), there is music enrichment which provides the opportunity for children to play chimes and handbells, sing, learn sign language and participate in dramatic arts and public speaking. The Children’s Choir participates in Sunday worship on occasion throughout the year.

The Son-Light Singers
This lighthearted group focuses on old time favorites. Their performance style is like an old-time radio show, and they share joy and merry music wherever they go! Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 4 PM.

Team Links
Sanctuary Choir Members | CLICK HERE
Crossroads Worship Team Members | CLICK HERE